Bauda al-Janoubiyeh بعودا الجنوبية
Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) is a small Byzantine site conveniently located on the side of the road between the two major sites of al-Bara (البارة) and Serjilla (سرجلا). As such, it is easily added to most itineraries when visiting the area. The site includes a small but wonderfully well preserved pyramid tomb in the southwest corner of the site, similar to one of the smaller tombs in al-Bara (البارة). There are also remains of a church and several villas.

Getting There: Like most sites in the Jebel al-Zawiyeh (جبل الزاوية) region, Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) can be approached either from the south via Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان) and Kafr Nabl (كفر نبل), or from the north via Ariha (آريحا) and al-Bara (البارة).
Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) is most easily approached from the north. Regular microbuses travel from Aleppo (حلب) to Ariha (آريحا), a roughly thirty minute trip. From Ariha (آريحا) there are very infrequent microbuses to the town of al-Bara (البارة), which is also home to one of the most important archaeological sites in the region. Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) is about three and a half kilometers southeast of al-Bara (البارة), on the south side of the road to Serjilla (سرجلا). There is no regular public transportation beyond al-Bara (البارة), so you’ll either need to hire a driver in al-Bara (البارة) or walk the remaining distance. Take the road heading south towards Kafr Nabl (كفر نبل) about one kilometer, then turn left (east) and continue the remaining two and a half kilometers.
Alternatively, to approach Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) from the south, first travel to Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان), which has frequent microbus connections with Aleppo (حلب). That trip takes about forty five minutes. Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان) also has microbus connections with Hama (حماة) and Idleb (إدلب), but these are less frequent. From Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان), the next step is to find a microbus to the town of Kafr Nabl (كفر نبل), about ten kilometers to the southwest. From Kafr Nabl (كفر نبل), a road heads north towards al-Bara (البارة). There is no regular public transportation on this road, so you’ll either need to hire a driver in Kafr Nabl (كفر نبل) or walk the remaining distance.
Coming from this direction, there are two routes of about equal distance (roughly nine kilometers) to Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية). The first option is to turn right (east) after about two kilometers and approach Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية) via the sites of Shinshirah (شنشراح), Rabiaa (ربيعة) and Serjilla (سرجلا). The second option is to continue straight ahead (north) for about seven kilometers, passing the sites of Batrasa (بترسا) and Majliya (مجليا). After passing both of those sites, take a first right turn (east) and continue about two and a half kilometers to Bauda al-Janoubiyeh (بعودا الجنوبية).
Coordinates: 35°40’13.78″N / 36°34’08.50″E
Transliteration Variants: Baauda, Baouda, Baaouda
Rating: 4.5 / 10