Damascus – al-Zeitoun Church دمشق – كنيسة الزيتون
al-Zeitoun Church (كنيسة الزيتون), located in the Bab Sharqi (باب شرقي) neighborhood of the old city of Damascus (دمشق), is the seat …
al-Zeitoun Church (كنيسة الزيتون), located in the Bab Sharqi (باب شرقي) neighborhood of the old city of Damascus (دمشق), is the seat …
Saint Paul Church (كنيسة القديس بولس) is a Greek Catholic chapel constructed from the remains of Bab Kissan (باب كيسان), the historic …
al-Mariyamiyeh Church (كنيسة المريمية), located in the center of the old city, is the seat of the Greek Orthodox patriarchate and one …
One of the more interesting churches in Damascus (دمشق) is the small underground chapel known as the Church of Saint Hananiya (كنيسة …
The modest Church of Saint John of Damascus (كنيسة القديس يوحنا الدمشقي) is a Greek Orthodox church dedicated to Youhana Mansour Bin …
The Syrian Catholic Church of Saint Asia al-Hakim (كنيسة مار اسيا الحكيم السريان الكاثوليك) was constructed in 1500, one of the earliest …
An Armenian presence in the city of Aleppo (حلب) dates back to the short-lived Armenian Empire in the 1st century BC. Armenians …
The Greek Catholic Church of Our Lady (كنيسة السيدة للروم الكاثوليك) is one of the largest churches in the historic Jdeideh (جديدة) …
The Armenian Catholic Church (كنيسة الأرمن الكاثوليك) is located on the northern side of Farhat Square (ساحة فرحات) in the historic Jdeideh …
The old city of Homs (حمص) has several historic churches (كنائس) worth visiting. Most interesting is the Roman Orthodox St. Elian Church …