Damascus – Damascus Citadel دمشق – قلعة دمشق
Located in the northwest corner of the old city, the Damascus Citadel (قلعة دمشق) was first fortified under Turkmen warlord Aziz Bin …
Located in the northwest corner of the old city, the Damascus Citadel (قلعة دمشق) was first fortified under Turkmen warlord Aziz Bin …
One of the most incredible fortifications in Syria, and the whole of the Middle East, is the magnificent Aleppo Citadel (قلعة حلب). …
Remains of the Homs Citadel (قلعه حمص), located southwest of the old city, appear to be of Ayyubid origin. The fortifications were …
Located west of Palmyra (تدمر) and constructed with stones from its ancient ruins is the Ayyubid-era fortress Qalaat Shirkuh (قلعة شيركوه). Featuring …
Qalaat al-Hosn (قلعة الحصن), more famously known as Krak des Chevaliers, is arguably the best preserved and most impressive Crusader castle surviving …
Qalaat Jaabar (قلعة جعبر) is an Ayyubid-era castle located on what was formally a hilltop position overlooking the Euphrates. Now, due to …
Qalaat al-Rahbeh (قلعة الرحبة) is a small fortress located on the southwestern edge of the Euphrates river valley, near the modern town …
Qalaat Sheizar (قلعة شيزر) is an impressive Arab castle located to the north of Hama (حماة) overlooking a vital river crossing point on the Orontes. …
Among Syrians, Abu Qubeis (آبو قبيس) is one of the most popular sites in the region around Hama (حماة). To foreign visitors, however, it is …
One of the most dramatically situated castles in the whole of Syria, the Crusader castle of Qalaat Mirza (قلعة ميرزا) – sometimes referred to as …