Deir Sinbol دير سنبل
Scattered Byzantine ruins can be found throughout the modern village of Deir Sinbol (دير سنبل), in the eastern side of the Jebel al-Zawiyeh (جبل الزاوية) and Jebel Riha (جبل ريحا) region. The most well preserved remains are of moderately sized villas. There was once a large church at the site, but little remains of it today. It is a fairly minor site overall, but warrants brief exploration if passing through the area. Most of the ruins are in the central and northern section of the modern village.

Getting There: While you may get lucky and find a microbus to Deir Sinbol (دير سنبل) from Ariha (آريحا), Idleb (إدلب), or Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان), the village has no regular public transportation. Deir Sinbol (دير سنبل) is about four kilometers southwest of the main road between Maarat al-Naaman (معرة النعمان) and Ariha (آريحا), and about six kilometers southeast of the town of Ahsem (احسم). Regular public transportation can be found to either of these locations from Ariha (آريحا), but the remaining distance will probably need to be covered on foot or by hitchhiking.
Coordinates: 35°41’52.21″N / 36°36’14.35″E
Transliteration Variants: Deir Sonbol, Deir Sanbol, Deir Sinbal, Deir Sonbal, Deir Sanbal, Deir Sinbil, Deir Sonbil, Deir Sanbil
Rating: 3 / 10