Kafr Darian كفر دريان
The village of Kafr Darian (كفر دلريان), located to the west of Sarmada (سرمدا), has the remains of a small Byzantine church. While fairly unsubstantial, the site is worth visiting if passing through to visit nearby site of Maaz (ماعز), a couple kilometers to the south. The church is relatively well-preserved, but is also austere in it’s decoration.

Getting There: Kafr Darian (كفر دلريان) is about five kilometers to the west of Sarmada (سرمدا), which has fairly frequent microbuses from Aleppo (حلب) to the town. Any microbus bound for Harem (حارم) will also pass through Sarmada (سرمدا), and there are occasional microbuses linking Sarmada (سرمدا) to Idleb (إدلب). The trip from Aleppo (حلب) takes about 30 minutes. There are occasional microbuses between Sarmada (سرمدا) and Kafr Darian (كفر دلريان), but you might need to hire a private driver or hitchhike the remaining distance to the village.
Coordinates: 36°10’18.00″N / 36°40’11.00″E
Transliteration Variants: Kafr Daryan, Kafr Dariyan, Kfar Darian, Kfar Daryan, Kfar Dariyan
Rating: 2.5 / 10