Damascus – al-Ajami Mosque دمشق – جامع العجمي
al-Ajami Mosque (جامع العجمي) was constructed in 1348 to commemorate the Persian merchant Afridun al-Ajami. It was intended as both a tomb for its founder and as a religious school. The façade follows the typical Mamluk design of alternating horizontal bands of black and white stone that was common to the period. The entryway and windows include decorative stone mosaic panels and muqarnas. The elaborate stone mosaic over the doorway is particularly impressive. The small minaret is a fairly modern addition, added during a restoration in the 1990s.
The floor plan is a rare example of the cruciform mosque, uncommon in Damascus (دمشق). The tomb of Afridun al-Ajami is on the right (north) side of the entrance, with the prayer hall to the left (south). Frankish capitals are employed in the mihrab of the prayer hall. The interior is rarely accessible to visitors, even during prayer times. al-Ajami Mosque (جامع العجمي) is located southwest of the old city walls of Damascus (دمشق) across from Bab al-Saghir Cemetery (مقبرة الباب الصغير) and is one of several interesting mosques in the area.

Getting There: al-Ajami Mosque (جامع العجمي) is located southwest of the old city of Damascus (دمشق). From the main (western) entrance of al-Hamidiyeh Market (سوق الحميدية), follow the main street, Aal al-Beit (آل البيت) that runs to the south-southeast along the original boundary of the old city walls. This street will pass al-Darwishiyeh Mosque (جامع الدرويشية) on the right, al-Sibaiyeh Mosque (جامع السيبائية) on the right, and al-Sinaniyeh Mosque (جامع السنانية) on the left before finally reaching al-Ajami Mosque (جامع العجمي) on the right, just before the cemetery.
Coordinates: 33°30’24.00″N / 36°18’09.00″E
Transliteration Variants: al-Aajami Mosque
Rating: 3 / 10