Damascus – al-Fathiyeh Mosque دمشق – جامع الفتحية
al-Fathiyeh Mosque (جامع الفتحية) is a beautiful Ottoman-era mosque in the charming old city neighborhood of al-Qaimariyeh (القيمرية), popular for its coffee shops and restaurants. The mosque was constructed in 1743 under Fathi Bin Mohammed Bin Mohammed Bin Mahmoud al-Hanafi al-Qalaqansi (فتحي بن محمد بن محمد بن محمود الحنفي القلاقنسي), an Ottoman treasury official. The building follows the traditional Ottoman architectural plan. An arcaded portico is topped by three domes, preceding the southern prayer hall that is covered by a single large dome. The design includes Syrian and Mamluk influences, with alternating bands of white, black and light orange stone. Decorative stonework can be found above the windows and doorways. The courtyard features a central fountain and an abundance of trees and plants, creating a sense of peace and calm.
Also known as al-Madrasa al-Fathiyeh (المدرسة الفتحية), the mosque has a long tradition of religious teaching that continues to the present. Additionally, several popular Syrian television series have been filmed in the mosque in recent decades. The mosque is open during regular prayer times and during religious studies.

Getting There: al-Fathiyeh Mosque (جامع الفتحية) is located on the main pedestrian street of al-Qaimariyeh (القيمرية), directly to the east of the Umayyad Mosque (الجامع الاموي) towards the neighborhood of Bab Touma (باب توما).
Coordinates: 33°30’42.00″N / 36°18’39.00″E
Transliteration Variants: al-Fathiye Mosque, al-Fathiyah Mosque, al-Fathiya Mosque
Rating: 4 / 10