Damascus – al-Seida Raqiyeh Mosque دمشق – جامع السيدة رقية
One of the most important Shia pilgrimage sites in Syria is the fascinating al-Seida Raqiyeh Mosque (جامع السيدة رقية). This modern, Iranian-style mosque receives a constant stream of pilgrims, mostly from Iraq and Iran, to visit the tomb of Raqiyeh (رقية). Raqiyeh (رقية) was the daughter of Hussein (حسين), the granddaughter of Ali (علي), and the great granddaughter of Mohammed (محمد). She was an infant when her father was killed at the Battle of Karbala (modern Iraq) in 680, and was among those taken into captivity by the Umayyad caliph Yazid Bin Maawiyeh Bin Abi Safyan (يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان). She was imprisoned in Damascus (دمشق) and died at the age of four. Her body was later buried at this site.
al-Seida Raqiyeh Mosque (جامع السيدة رقية) was constructed in 1985 with Iranian funding, where prior there had only been a small mausoleum. Visitors to the mosque are welcome, and it is open from the early morning into the evening. The tomb has separate areas for male and female worshippers. The interior features unrestrained use of blue ceramic tile and mirrors which contrasts sharply with the more subtle decoration traditional to Syrian mosques. The mosque is located in the old city of Damascus (دمشق), only a short walk from the Umayyad Mosque (الجامع الاموي).
Sukayneh (سكينة), the older sister of Raqiyeh (رقية), is buried just south of the old city in Bab al-Saghir Cemetery (مقبرة الباب الصغير). She too was taken into captivity after the Battle of Karbala and later died in Damascus (دمشق).

Getting There: al-Seida Raqiyeh Mosque (جامع السيدة رقية) is located in the old city of Damascus (دمشق) less than one hundred meters north of the Umayyad Mosque (الجامع الاموي) and approximately fifty meters south of Bab al-Faradis (باب الفراديس).
Coordinates: 33°30’48.00″N / 36°18’27.00″E
Transliteration Variants: al-Seida Raqiyah Mosque, al-Seida Raqayeh Mosque, al-Seida Raqeyeh Mosque, al-Seida Raqayah Mosque, al-Seida Raqeyah Mosque, al-Seida Ruqiyeh Mosque, al-Seida Ruqiyah Mosque, al-Seida Ruqayeh Mosque, al-Seida Ruqeyeh Mosque, al-Seida Ruqayah Mosque, al-Seida Ruqeyah Mosque, al-Seida Raqayya Mosque, al-Seida Ruqayya Mosque
Rating: 5 / 10