Damascus – al-Sibaiyeh Mosque دمشق – جامع السيبائية
al-Sibaiyeh Mosque (جامع السيبائية) is one of several interesting mosques located just southwest of the old city walls of Damascus (دمشق). The mosque was constructed at the very end of the Mamluk period (1509-1515) to commemorate Sibai, then governor of the city. Several decorative elements of this mosque were apparently appropriated by Sibai from other mosques, resulting in the popular local name of “Mosque of Mosques (جامع الجوامع)”.
The façade follows the typical Mamluk design of alternating horizontal bands of black and white stone with several decorative panels. Sadly, being on a busy street, the decorative features of façade are somewhat concealed by a layer of soot. The octagonal minaret is reminiscent of the southwest minaret of the Umayyad Mosque (الجامع الاموي), though on a much smaller scale. Muqarnas adorn the main entryway, which leads into a small open courtyard with central fountain. The prayer hall, to the south, is covered by a timber roof and includes marble marquetry and 11th century marble offering tables with Arabic inscriptions. The interior of the mosque is accessible only during prayer times.

Getting There: al-Sibaiyeh Mosque (جامع السيبائية) is located southwest of the old city of Damascus (دمشق). From the main (western) entrance of al-Hamidiyeh Market (سوق الحميدية), follow the main street, Aal al-Beit (آل البيت) that runs to the south-southeast along the original boundary of the old city walls. This street will pass al-Darwishiyeh Mosque (جامع الدرويشية) on the right, and al-Sibaiyeh Mosque (جامع السيبائية) will be the next mosque on the right, just before al-Sinaniyeh Mosque (جامع السنانية) on the left (with its green-tiled minaret).
Coordinates: 33°30’31.00″N / 36°18’04.00″E
Transliteration Variants: al-Sibaiye Mosque, al-Sibaiyah Mosque, al-Sibaiya Mosque
Rating: 3 / 10